Opinion / Hot Words

责任清单 (zérèn qīngdān): List of responsibilities

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-03-12 08:18

Premier Li Keqiang stressed the significance of streamlining administration and delegating power to lower-level governments in the Government Work Report 2015. In addition to delegating power or canceling the requirements for government review for more items, the government will ensure provincial-level governments make their lists of powers and responsibilities open to the public, and make sure that anything the law does not authorize is not done, while all duties and functions assigned by law are performed.

This will help ensure the transparency of power through public supervision. The list of responsibilities is the key to administrative system reform, and it aims to clearly define the responsibilities of the authorities, clarify how the authorities should improve administration, and, through an accountability system, make sure officials are seriously dealt with if they fail to perform their duties.

It is expected that the list of responsibilities can effectively curb the abuse of administrative power for personal gain, as well as any nonfeasance by officials.

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