Opinion / Hot Words

刀把子 (daobazi): Sword hilt

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-01-23 08:04

President Xi Jinping has given important instructions recently on political and legal work. He said, "We should cultivate a political and legal team that is loyal to the country, the people and the law. We should guarantee that the sword hilt is firmly held in the Party and the people's hands."

"Sword hilt" refers to the control of powerful weapons. Political and legal authorities are the State's powerful departments, which have the power of restricting personal freedom and collecting personal property. The control of these sectors is crucial to the prosperity and stability of society. If they are out of the Party and the people's control and fall into the hands of someone with an ulterior motive, they will become sharp weapons that undermine the Party's cause and the people's legal interests.

President Xi's instruction that guaranteeing the sword hilt is firmly held in the hands of the Party and the people shows his earnest expectation on political and legal authorities. It requires political and legal authorities and officials to keep faith and strictly abide by the Party's discipline and rule. It also requires that the political and legal authorities and officials adhere to the Party's leadership.

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