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布鞋院士 (buxie yuanshi): Academician in cloth shoes

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-01-20 08:28

Li Xiaowen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a famous remote sensing scientist with Beijing Normal University, is known among the public as "the academician wearing cloth shoes". He died of an illness in Beijing on Jan 10 at the age of 67. The State leaders, including Premier Li Keqiang, sent floral wreaths to his memorial on Friday, which more than 1,000 people, including his colleagues from all walks of life, attended.

Professor Li was known for not only his academic achievements but also his simple lifestyle. One of his photos showing him in simple clothes and a pair of cloth shoes to deliver a lecture at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences last April went viral on the Internet. He looked like an old villager, rather than a famous scientist. He has donated his bonus and allowance to sponsor young students and scholars' scientific research. He has set a good example for researchers and scholars.

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