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Is traditional Chinese medicine effective?

Updated: 2014-07-10 08:07 (

Aziz (Bengal)

I have had great experiences with Chinese herbal medicine - and acupuncture.

My baby daughter was cured by a herbal liquid made by the hospital for a cough - which was about to turn into bronchitis. A US-educated doctor failed to help her with a Western type of injection and medicine. Then the doctor suggested local traditional medicine and - after the sixth day of TCM treatment - all the symptoms had disappeared. But it must be said that anybody would vomit when tasting the liquid - and we had to give to on 8 month-old girl.

There are many kinds of herbs - but make sure you are taking advice from a proper doctor, and it is better to collect the medicine from the hospital, as there are lots of fake medicines nowadays.

Is traditional Chinese medicine effective?
Is traditional Chinese medicine effective? Is traditional Chinese medicine effective? Is traditional Chinese medicine effective?
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