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Summer vacations around the world

Updated: 2014-06-24 08:02 (


In the UK at university, we have long vacations. Exams can be in May or June and universities do not restart until early or late September, hence having at least 3 months (sometimes more) free. We do not have many summer schools but we often work.

I worked during the summers between high school and university and each summer at university. There are seasonal jobs, especially in the tourism industry. There is time to do that and have a vacation, with cheaper package holidays and budget flights for sun seekers: Greece, Italy, Spain, southern France and Turkey are all popular destinations. A clever way is to travel and earn money - many thousands of students during the summer go to the USA to work at summer camps to earn room and board, and pocket money for travel in America before returning. It depends if they’re away from home at universities - if so, they may need to return home as summer campus housing is not included - universities rent it out then to make money! Of course, for sports fans during the summer can enjoy World Cup football, or the European Championships. Long holidays make going to those sporting events possible.

Cricket season is on, usually with a home test match series. Tennis and golf are popular as long as there is good weather. For those not going away, there is the rush to a beach or deck chairs in the back garden, and relaxing at public parks. Outdoor swimming makes sense. Going boating on lakes. We have to hope that the sunshine lasts! It can still rain anytime in the UK! The long summer holidays as a student are a big miss once the world of work arrives, even if working in higher education! A famous song the DJs loved to play was: Here comes is out, oh happy day..

Summer vacations around the world
Summer vacations around the world Summer vacations around the world Summer vacations around the world
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