Opinion / Hot Words

严打暴恐 (yan da bao kong): Severe crackdown on violent and terrorist crimes

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-05-30 07:50

Thirty-nine people were killed and more than 90 injured in the deadly terrorist attack in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on May 22. This brutal act of terrorists - targeting innocent people, especially senior citizens, women and children - has revealed their evil designs and inhuman nature. Terrorists have no concern for humanity and challenge the bottom line of civilized society; they are the enemy of the entire human race.

The inhuman and brutal terrorist acts have outraged people of all ethnic groups not only in Xinjiang but also the rest of the country. Soon after the May 22 terrorist attack in Urumqi, the Ministry of Public Security announced the launching of a one-year nationwide crackdown on terrorists, with especial focus on Xinjiang as it has suffered a series of deadly terrorist attacks in recent times.

Since there is no room for compromise or concession in the battle against terrorism, we always have to be on guard against terrorists and help the government to eliminate terrorist groups in order to safeguard social stability.

While encouraging people to report and expose terrorists and the masterminds behind the past and potential attacks, government departments should carry out extensive operations against terrorist groups and extremist organizations to root out the evil of terrorism from society.

In his speech at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, President Xi Jinping said the country will strike hard against and have zero-tolerance toward the three evil forces of separatism, extremism and terrorism, and enhance international and regional cooperation to ensure that the Chinese people live in peace.

Terrorist attacks will not affect social stability in Xinjiang or, for that matter, any other part of the country. Instead, they will unite all ethnic groups in the fight against the evil forces and strengthen the Party and government's determination to severely crack down on terrorists.

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