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Made in China - cheap and inferior?

Updated: 2014-05-08 08:17 (

cestmoi (US)

Unfortunately I have to agree, bad quality control all the way down to the smallest parts worth a few cents, even the packaging is sub-standard.

I imported some small appliances, on the surface the European design is good, but the parts, fittings and how it was put together was sub-standard, cheap plastic dials cracked, hinges slipped...

You need to be there in the factories to oversee the manufacturing and packaging. Vietnam and India should be able to benefit from this lesson.

There are some good manufacturers, but the bad ones tarnish the overall image of Made-in-China brands.

Made in China - cheap and inferior?

Made in China - cheap and inferior? Made in China - cheap and inferior? Made in China - cheap and inferior?
You know you are in China when… China makes me different Nohouse,nomarriage?

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