
You know you are in China when…

Updated: 2014-05-04 07:51 (bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

You can go grab dinner at 3am

In my country, even at a 5-star hotel (Ha, am such an optimist, there is no five star hotel in my country) you cannot get a meal after 9pm. Out here, brothers sit on mini chairs in the alleyways and eat away at 2am.

I have fallen prey to this dining window; I go out at 3am to grab something from this 24-hour shop. I mean, a shop with no security and women attendants? The robbers of Malawi and St. Louis and Birmingham must be salivating for a Chinese visa.

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The original piece:http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-1346734-16429.html

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