I applaud the policies stated by the new president. He has followed up his words with action. Proof of this lies in the reporting by the media becoming more and more open with what is said. Imagine what strides and good that can be done if the CPC takes their position in power more seriously.
China and the CPC have lifted more people out of poverty over the past 30 years than most nations have. In the USA the real income and assets of the lower 80% have stagnated or actually gone down. The 80-95% have seen only modest gains in the order of 10-20%. Still very terrible over a 30 year span.
Our best wishes to Hon. Xi Jinping and his team in leading China under difficult times. Here are the team's challenges: First, sustaining economical growth while balancing wealth distribution. Second, manage China's air, naval and land border defenses while maintaining goodwill with neighbors.
Last week, I celebrated 1.5 years since I came to China. Living in China has been an amazing experience and one that will continue for some time to come. During that time, I've learned a lot and changed a lot. What have I learned from China, Chinese people and Chinese culture?
A multi-party system wastes time and energy. The single-party has brought China rapid growth unmatched in the world, while multi-party 'democracies' are failing and deeply in debt. Socialism is the political system of the future. China should bring the capitalist phase of Communism to an end.