Opinion / From the Press

Pursuing justice and fairness is government's responsibility

( Updated: 2012-11-12 22:31

Realizing social fairness is a basic function of the government. It requires that the government protect all legal rights of citizens and maintain social justice and fairness, says an article in Beijing News Daily. Excerpts:

The report of the 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China suggests the CPC will pay more attention to justice, chances and rules in China.

Justice and fairness were mentioned in the report of the 16th national congress. It is a big step forward for this year's conference to lay out the approaches for the goals.

Fairness and justice are not only about results, but also starting points. The government should ensure that all citizens enjoy equal access to basic public services such as education, medical care and social insurance, as well as equal chances for development and competition regardless of their family backgrounds.

Many problems arising from China's fast development can actually be solved through pursuing fairness and justice.

The difference in identities between city residents and rural villagers still represents big disparities in the fields of education, medical care, employment and social insurances. In the fast urbanization of China, the farmers, who own their land collectively, do not enjoy the value-added benefits of the land.

The differences between cities and villages remain the most difficult problem when China seeks fairness and justice, which is also the obligatory responsibility for governments.

It is expected that China can push its system reform ahead to address the justice and fairness issues from the beginning of citizens' lives, especially the disadvantaged population.

In a fair society, people are more happy and confident about their future.

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