Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

China's energy policy 2012

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-10-25 07:50


Energy is the vital material base for China to modernize and build a moderately prosperous society. The Chinese government will strive to address the energy problem properly by following the sustainable road of energy development.

China will still be in a stage featuring accelerated industrialization and urbanization for a long time to come, facing the challenging tasks of developing its economy and improving its people's livelihood. Its energy needs will go on to increase in the future. As a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion, China must rely on itself to increase the energy supply steadily to satisfy such demands.

Energy security is a global issue. Few countries can secure their energy supply without international cooperation. The achievements China has made in energy development are inseparable from its friendly cooperation with other countries. Its future development in the energy sector will need more understanding and support from the international community. China, with a population of more than one billion, is exploring and practicing a new way in the history of energy development to ensure its sustainable energy development. China did not, does not and will not pose any threat to the world's energy security. Abiding by the principle of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit, it will further strengthen its cooperation with other energy producing and consuming countries as well as international energy organizations, and work together with them to promote a sustainable energy development around the world. It will strive to maintain stability of the international energy market and energy prices, secure the international energy transportation routes, and make due contributions to safeguarding international energy security and addressing global climate change.

(China Daily 10/25/2012 page8)

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