Improve overall medical security

Updated: 2011-09-14 08:10

(China Daily)

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A migrant worker in Hebei province has reportedly donated his skin to his daughter, who has suffered serious burns and needs skin grafting. His donation, using local instead of general anesthesia, will reduce the medical costs by more than 1,000 yuan. The migrant worker's case has moved many people not only because of his love for his daughter, but also because of the hardships that his family suffers, says an article on Excerpts:

Some netizens have posted messages online that they were reduced to tears by the migrant worker's love for his daughter and the poverty that his family faces. But many other netizens are asking why the Red Cross of China and medical insurance have not come to the family's help.

The money saved by him by opting for local instead of general anesthesia is only a drop in the bucket. The physician in charge has said that though the hospital has foregone the charges for diagnosis, treatment and nursing, the skin grafting and plastic surgery fees could be tens of thousands of yuan.

If this case develops in the right direction, the migrant worker may not have to sell his land or house in his hometown to pay the medical bills of his daughter, because what he has done for his daughter has become a hot issue on the Internet.

It is hoped that donations from official or non-governmental organizations as well as individuals from all walks of life will pour in to ensure that he is not forced to sell his land or house.

But we should not feel gratified with the happy ending in one girl's case because there are thousands of other poor children like her who need help desperately for medical treatment. Thousands of loving fathers are forced to sell their blood to pay the tuition fees or medical bills of their children.

We should not depend on netizens' kindness to solve such social problems. Only if the authorities improve the income distribution and social security can every citizen enjoy the fruits of economic development.

(China Daily 09/14/2011 page17)