From the Readers

Chinese democracy VS Western democracy

Updated: 2011-06-13 15:40
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Fifth, China's CPC has very large membership so there are very large diverse views within its membership. Hence it is very much a good representation of the view of the public. Differences in attitude are worked out within the large membership itself. This is exactly the process of all Western political parties in US, Europe and Australia.

CPC membership should be encouraged among the Chinese public to draw in as many people with as diverse views as possible. A good CPC representation among the people in every strata of society will be fine for the CPC to be the voice of the public and hence lead the government with the assistance of government workers.

Last, in Australia, theoretically a person could be the prime minister forever as long as his party wins power and he remains the leader of the party. Robert Menzies was the PM for a total of 19 years in 2 periods with 17 years of continuous leadership till the late 1960's. A whole generation of Australians grew up without knowing another prime minister.

Edgar Hoover was in charge of FBI in USA for over four decades over which time he amassed huge influences on government operations and policies.

Robert Menzies of Australia and Hoover of the US FBI are examples of the dangers that might pose against a nation due to the no limitations on the period of holding senior government posts.

A safe guard against tyranny is to limit the number of years of that anyone could hold certain jobs in the top leadership of the Chinese government and top posts of government agencies. If this is formally introduced into the Chinese constitution the risk of tyranny in China will be lower.

People then will continue to have a say in government operations and policies as full time political participants in the form of CPC members and government workers and as occasional participants by means of lobbying or individuals communicating with the government leadership. This Chinese political system will be as democratic, if not more so, than the Western style.

JJ-Sydney-OZ, on China Daily website

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