From the Readers

Corruption is rampant everywhere

Updated: 2010-05-11 17:08
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Comment on "Ex-official sentenced to life for bribery" (, May 10)

Weeding out corruption sounds right, but the effect will be as if I try to "weed out" the dandelions in my yard. Even if I weed out 50%, by next year new ones will fill in the gaps. In Asia, corruption has always existed. In Thailand it is the "norm" and to be expected, and at many levels of the government it seems to be a part of the income/salary, as the base income for many levels in government are far from commensurate with appropriate pay.

At least Asian corruption is straightforward. America's version of corruption, with its insane number of lobbyists, is it really so different? Or just more hidden? Witness the Giant Vampire Sucking Squid (Goldman Sachs) relationship with the Fed:

"In May 2009, it was reported that the Chairman of the New York Fed, Stephen Friedman, was a former director at, and shareholder of, Goldman Sachs, having retired from the firm in 1994 and retained substantial stock."

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Steve, on China Daily Website