sharing the Olympic spirit
OLYMPICS/ Relay Cities

Flame ends journey in Qinghai

Updated: 2008-06-24 16:42


A local performer from the Tu ethnic group performs a tradional Chinese sports event during the Beijing Olympic torch relay in Xining, capital of Qinghai Province, June 24, 2008. [Xinhua]

It was still raining one hour before the scheduled starting time, making it much chillier in the city famous for its cool summer. However, people were still standing and hailing "Go Olympics, Go China". More and more people gathered along the street of the relay despite the shower.

"We've been waiting here since 5:30 a.m. to see the Flame," said Chen Yuanyuan, from the Century Vocational School.

Chen's hair was all caught wet in the shower but she and her classmates still held big national flags without an umbrella or a raincoat.

"We don't need umbrella. It's not easy to wave the national flag while holding that," said her classmate Guo Qingyu.

"We can't sleep last night, and we get up as early as four o'clock," said Ji Fangfang, a freshman from Qinghai University. "Even though it is raining now, we'll hold on because we are so excited to see the Flame."

Ji and her dormmate were dressed T-shirts printed with characters "Go, China". "We buy the T-shirts to greet the Flame, and we are so proud to be a Chinese," said she.

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