World leaders congratulate China on success of Beijing Olympics

Updated: 2008-08-29 23:17


BEIJING - More world leaders and parliament speakers have warmly congratulated China on the complete success of the Beijing Olympic Games.

Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet, who had attended the opening ceremony of the Games in Beijing, said in his congratulatory message that the Beijing Olympiad, themed "One World, One Dream", was not only a global sports event, but a rare opportunity to share and promote unity, friendship and peace -- the common values of all humankind.

The successful hosting of the Games served as an opportunity for the whole world to deepen its understanding of China's social customs and culture, showcase China's ever growing international status and prestige, as well as its capability to host grand activities, Triet said.

Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said the huge success of the Beijing Olympics will be carved into people's memories along with the image of fearless Chinese rescuing survivors after the devastating 8.0 magnitude earthquake in China's southwestern Sichuan province.

During the opening ceremony, China sent the world a strong message of "peace," which is not only China's goal, but also the direction that the whole world should take, Fukuda said.

He expressed hope of consolidating and enhancing the strategic and mutually beneficial relations between Japan and China, and together making a gesture of peace to the world.

Describing the Beijing Olympics as one of the most splendid sporting events, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the president of the Maldives, said the Games showcased China's recent rapid development, and promoted the spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation.

The king of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz, said China achieved "unprecedented" success in organizing the Beijing Olympic Games.

The achievements made at the Games reflected the wishes of all humanity for peaceful coexistence, and increased friendship and cooperation, he said.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan highlighted the hospitality of the Chinese, the well-organized Olympics, the excellent facilities, and the opening ceremony coherent with Chinese culture and modern technology, all of which had left an indelible impression on the audience.

Nigerien President Mamadou Tandja congratulated China on the successful conclusion of the Beijing Olympics and expressed appreciation of the friendship between the two countries.

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