Qingdao Olympic park gives the feeling of a 'champion'
By Zhang Xiaomin
China Daily Staff Writer
Updated: 2008-08-22 09:53


QINGDAO: The theme park in the Olympic Sailing Center has become a popular recreation site for residents, sailors and tourists to feel the charm of the Games in Qingdao, the host city of the Olympic Sailing Regatta.

The park has attracted more than 100,000 people since opening to the public on Aug 10.

Covering more than 10,000 sq m, it is adjacent to Qingdao's famous May 4th Square and the Music Square to the west.

One of its attractions is the 6m-hign torch at the end of the Olympic Memorial Dock, which flies the Olympic and national flags on both sides.

The torch, lighted when the sailing competition began on Aug 9, is used as a popular tourist photo backdrop.

From the park, visitors have a close view of the sailors launching their boats and returning. They can also take part in various entertainment and sports activities organized by the Olympic partners and sponsors.

In the Haier interactive experience venues, children are enthralled by tennis and table tennis computer games. There is usually a long queue waiting at a simulated podium for the Olympic medal ceremony. Wearing a gold medal and the uniform of the Chinese team, people experience the excitement of being an Olympic gold medalist.

"I felt excited when I was standing on the podium with my son," said Liu Hongtao, holding his baby in his arms.

"I think he can be an Olympic winner when he grows up," he added.

Beer Square is a brew-lover's paradise, where tourists can taste fresh Tsingtao while appreciating the Olympic competition and the latest news on big TV screens.

"I like the feeling here. I like the beer. When you are in Qingdao, it is impossible that you do not have a taste of Tsingtao Beer," said Jiang Dawei from Jiangsu province.

Visitors can also buy authorized Olympic souvenirs in the park's licensed shop and appreciate a photograph exhibition that captures moments in the 2006 and 2007 Qingdao International Sailing Regatta.

Another highlight of the theme park is the international sculpture tour exhibition, which was moved around the world to Hong Kong, Seoul, Washington, Chicago and 23 other cities. It presents more than 100 pieces created by well-known sculptors from nearly 90 countries and regions.

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