OLYMPICS / Most Viewed

Cooling off, period?

China Daily/Agencies
Updated: 2008-08-12 11:12


Aussie swimmers Stephanie Rice and Eamon Sullivan are now free to rethink their recent break-up after their scorching performances in the Water Cube. The couple wanted to focus on winning and not on each other.

Sullivan and Rice ham it up in a recent Davenport underwear ad.

Rice captured Australia's first gold medal of the Games in the 400m individual medley, while Sullivan yesterday broke the world 100m freestyle record when he led the Australian team off in the men's 4x100m freestyle relay. The Aussie team came in third behind the US team.

Before the Games, partygirl Rice and Sullivan agreed to cool their romance in order to concentrate on the Olympics, according to Australia's The Daily Telegraph.

"Basically with the months ahead we are just focusing I guess being a bit selfish that we want to swim to the best of our ability," Sullivan was quoted as saying. "We both mutually agreed that being together is something that probably won't work during this month. So we decided to have a break."

Former lovebirds Rice, Sullivan compete for gold
SurpRice! The winner's Stephanie in women's 400 medley

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