Mo Huilan: Busy with interviewing

Updated: 2008-08-05 14:07


(August 2, 2008)

I am constantly busy interviewing and attending meetings recently. There are six days to go before the Olympic opening ceremony. Now colleagues from all kinds of media are busy preparing for Olympic coverage. Athough we will not broadcast the events live, as an Olympic program we have the responsibility to cover the Olympic events in different aspects for you.

I believe that the Beijing Olympics is not only a stage for athletes from all over the world but also for all Chinese people. Athletes have their Olympic championship dreams, while the ordinary people have their Olympic hopes too. We will fulfill your Olympic wishes throughout the Games.

What troubles me most now is the transportation difficulty during the Olympic Games. For one thing, Beijing has carried out the policy that vehicles should alternate days for odd and even license plate numbers during the Olympics. Even during the days I am allowed to drive, no parking near the Olympic Village will be permitted. No matter which mode of public transportation (such as subway) I used to get to the Village, we had to reach every interview site and venue on foot. So, during the Olympics, not only will the athletes have to conserve their physical energy for competing in the games, but we journalists will have a hard time during the 20 days of the Games, as we lack physical strength. When it comes to fitness, eating well takes first!

Introduction of Mo Huilan

Mo Huilan, a former top gymnast, got five gold medals -the team competition, balance beam, floor exercises, vault and uneven bars- in The 12th Asian Games, October, 1994 and a silver medal in 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games held in Hiroshima in Japan.


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