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OLYMPICS/ Olympic Life

Overseas volunteers look forward to Olympics 'party'

Updated: 2008-07-11 00:07


BEIJING  -- Relaxing his athletic body in a chair with his letter of commitment in hand, Joshua Jerga said the thing he expected most as an Olympic volunteer was to enjoy the next seven weeks in Beijing.

"It's like one big love party, (it) brings everyone together," he said.

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Jerga was among 40 students from Australia's University of Newcastle who flew into Beijing early on Thursday and joined the rest of the 292 overseas volunteers who will serve with the Olympic News Service (ONS)  during the Games.

Gathering at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in the afternoon, the Newcastle students submitted their letters of commitment to the Games organizers and were formally admitted as volunteers.

Since they're journalism or public relations majors, the 40 students will be flash quote reporters at the venues for swimming, diving, judo, weight-lifting, fencing and badminton.

Matthew Russell expected his work to be exhausting but intriguing. "It's cool to meet people from all around the world, from different backgrounds and cultures."

The other ONS volunteers come from eight universities in Australia, the United States and Britain.

Jerga said he, as an Australian, was mad about sports, recalling his sleepless nights in London in the summer of 2000 watching the Sydney Olympics on TV. "We love all sports and the Olympics are the greatest games in the world."

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