sharing the Olympic spirit

Vice President: China prepared for Olympics amid quake relief challenge
Updated: 2008-05-28 09:39


Vice President Xi Jinping(R2) shakes hands with a volunteer while visiting the Wukesong Indoor Stadium on May 27, 2008. [Xinhua]

BEIJING  -- China will try its best to make Olympic stadiums ready in about 70 days ahead of the Games while it goes all out for quake relief, said Xi Jinping, Chinese vice president on Tuesday.

"The preparation for the Olympic Games has moved into the last and critical stage. We will do it well while working hard for quake relief. We will pay equal importance to the two things and not delay one for the other," said Xi who visited three Olympic stadiums on Tuesday afternoon.

The stadiums have succeeded in holding the "Good Luck Beijing" Olympic test events and laid a favorable foundation for hosting a unique and quality Games, he said.

Through the test events, the stadium management has been tested and improved, he said, hoping the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) and all stadiums will seize the last 70 days to perfect their work.

They should pay more attention to improve supplementary facilities, management and service, especially the arrangement of events and introduction inside the venues, he said.

Xi thought highly of the construction, operation and management of all stadiums.

The Olympic stadiums in Beijing have followed high standards and have good quality in utilizing the wisdom and creativity of Chinese engineers and builders, he said.

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