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Foreign athletes 'may have better luck' in Beijing: Chinese FM
Updated: 2008-03-12 10:58


BEIJING -- Foreign athletes may have a better luck in breaking world records in Beijing's Olympics, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Wednesday.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi listens to questions from press in a press conference on the sideline of the ongoing parliament session. [Xinhua]
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi listens to questions from press in a press conference on the sideline of the ongoing parliament session. [Xinhua]

Yang made the remarks at a press conference on the sidelines of the annual session of the parliament, in response to a question concerning Beijing's air quality.

Yang dismissed worries about air pollution in Beijing, saying that many Chinese athletes have broken world records in China, especially in Beijing.

"If they (foreign athletes) cannot break world records in other places, maybe they can come to Beijing, where they will have a better luck," he said.

Yang said that China takes climate change seriously and has adopted a full range of effective measures to tackle the issue.

"I believe the air quality in Beijing will only become better and better," he said.

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