sharing the Olympic spirit
OLYMPICS/ Spotlight

Senior official calls for efforts for shining Olympics
Updated: 2008-01-08 09:41


BEIJING -- Chinese State Councilor Chen Zhili on Monday urged the sports officials at all levels to work hard for shining competition results at the forthcoming Beijing Olympics.

Addressing an annual national sports conference here, Chen, also the first vice president of the organizing committee of the 29th Olympic Games, noted that the nation-wide sports circle must grasp the brilliant chance of hosting the Olympics, adhere to reformism and go-aheadism, and strive for new accomplishments.

"To direct our sports work in new era, we must thoroughly apply Scientific Outlook on Development, the spiritual essence delivered by the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China," Chen said.

"Sports in China has entered a new fast-growing stage, showing harmony and a trend of sustainable development. Our athletes frequently shine in international arena, winning glories for their motherland." She added.

"Not only the athletes themselves but also the whole Chinese people hope to see their outstanding performances at the Olympics, and we must make well-knit preparation for achieving the goal," she stressed.

"First, we must thoroughly bring the whole-nation system for competitive sports into play, making full use of the nation-wide sports resources.

"Second, we must pay great attention to details, coordinate the relationship between training and competition, and ensure the logistic and technical support for our athletes.

"Third, we must make undeviating efforts to fight against doping, striving for harvest in both competition results and sportsmanship," she noted.

Meanwhile, Chen called on the officials at the scene to emancipate the mind, persist in reform and opening up, further strengthen the government's function in promoting sports and providing basic sporting service for ordinary people.

"We must make continuous efforts to construct sports venues, upgrade sports organizations and organize sports activities for the ordinary people, in a bid to improve the health of the whole nation," she added.

Chen also stressed the need to perfect the bud-nurturing system for competitive sports, thoroughly apply the social security policies towards the athletes, those who retire in particular, in order to make a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the competitive sports.

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