sharing the Olympic spirit
OLYMPICS/ Facelift

Beijing to improve police image for 2008 Olympics
Updated: 2007-09-02 20:56


BEIJING -- Beijing, the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, has launched a 13-month campaign aimed at strengthening police's discipline and standardizing law enforcement to improve the image of police.

The campaign will focus on the implementation of security measures for next August's Olympics, the image of police on duty and civilized and standardized law enforcement.

The campaign, which began Saturday and will last until October 1 next year, was also launched on the same day in other Chinese cities such as Tianjin where some football matches of the Olympics will be held.

"The campaign is not only an overall checkup on the Olympics security preparation, but also help promote police's actual combat abilities," said Fu Zhenghua, deputy director of the bureau.

Any police officer who is found to have severe discipline violations, such as having a rude manner in law enforcement, or obtaining confession by torture, will be ordered to stop fulfilling his performance, the bureau said.

Jia Chunming, an official in charge of police inspection with the bureau, said as one way of the inspection, inspectors may follow the disposal of individual cases in the status of ordinary residents.

"The rectification will also target police behaviors such as indifference to the masses, rudeness, buck-passing, or smoking, eating, chatting when police officers are on duty," Jia said.

Inspectors will also check up implementation of the "Five Bans", which were issued by the Ministry of Public Security several years ago, banning police officers from gambling, drinking alcohol in working hours and abusing the use of guns.

Upon finding discipline violation cases, residents can report to public security departments by dialing the emergency call 110.

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