sharing the Olympic spirit
OLYMPICS/ Shang hai

Shanghai transport gets funding boost
By Cao Li (China Daily)
Updated: 2007-08-24 09:36


SHANGHAI: About 110 billion yuan will be spent upgrading the city's public transport system over the next three years, the transport department revealed

Starting this year, old polluting uses will be replaced, transport routes will be extended, digital traffic information systems will be established to make transport routes more efficient and frequent commuters will be able to travel at lower cost.

A plan released by Shanghai municipal government said Shanghai had witnessed tremendous progress building a public transport system since the 1990s.

But with the increasing number of migrants and the city's fast expansion, traffic congestion had become a major challenge.

The program predicts that within three years, people in Shanghai should have access to public transport within a 500-m walking distance. In downtown areas, the distance will be 300 meters.

The metro lines will be extended to more than 400 km with a total of 280 stops. By the end of 2009, planners predict the metro should be able to handle at least 30 percent of the city's commuters.

An additional 200 routes will be established and the city's ageing 1,840 buses will either be replaced or upgraded with more environmentally friendly engines.

All the buses will be equipped with wireless systems to inform passengers of traffic conditions and estimated travel times.

Fare discounts will be given to passengers who regularly use public transport and travel longer distances.

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