OLYMPICS/ Volunteers
My burning desire to be Olympic volunteer
By Lin Jiao (special to chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2007-08-21 14:59

When I saw the athletes straining to run faster, jump higher or knock down their opponents, I came to understand what sportsmanship is.
When I watch the flag-raising ceremony and hear the rising volume of the anthem in front of the excited tears and smiles of the Chinese audience, I came to know what patriotism is.
As a child, the Olympic Games brought the fascination of sports to me. From then on, I dreamed of becoming an Olympic volunteer and the growing desire was always burning deep in my heart.
How time flies! A few years have passed. I am a student at the Beijing Sport University. Now, I am lucky enough to be interviewed by the officers from the Beijing Olympic organizing committee. A few weeks ago, I passed the English exam, which included written and oral English exams. But these tests were not enough for the officers to choose the volunteers they wanted. The interview was the fourth test I have to face.

Lin Jiao (left) wins the third place at the Olympic English TV contest organized by the Beijing TV in July 2007. [Jennifer Guan/chinadaily.com.cn]
Before my interview, I waited outside the hall and wondered what they were going to ask me. And then the moment came.
I sat in front of the officer who smiled to me. This made me feel a little at ease. He was interviewing me for the triathlon. Before this exam, I had researched a lot of information about the history and rules of this event. So I answered his questions with ease and very fluently in English.
As time went on, it was no longer a test but a conversation in oral English. I told him why I wanted to be a volunteer and what I planned to do from now on. He seemed satisfied with my answers, especially my passion towards the Olympic Games. When the interview was over, he gave me a smile. As I left the hall, I felt that my dream of being a volunteer was well on its way of coming true, because the flames of the Olympics in my heart would never extinguish.
If I become one, I promise to be a responsible volunteer, a competent volunteer and also a volunteer with smile always on my face.