Li Ning
Updated: 2007-07-29 18:16

Name: Li Ning
Gender : M
Height:164 cm
Weight : 58kg
Birth Date:September 8, 1963
Birth Place: Liuzhou, Guangxi Province
Sport: Gymnastics
Personal Best:
Li Ning won the three gold medals of gymnastics, respectively 1st rings, floor exercise and pommel horse, at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Game.
Sports Career:
Gymnastics is in his blood. At amazingly young age, Li Ning started his gymnastics career when he was still an 8-year boy. At age 10, the young talent welcomed his professional career as he was then already a trainee in the Provincial Gymnastics Team of Guangxi Province. 1980, Li Ning was selected to join the National Gymnastics Team, since then the world gymnastics competitions entered a Li-Ning-time.
High Performances:
1981 The 11th World University Games - Gold, 1st f1oor exercise- Gold, pommel horse- The fifth, individual all-around
1982 The 6th World Cup Six gold medals of respectively 1st floor exercise, horizontal bar, vaulting horse, pommel horse, rings, and individual all-around.Li Ning refreshed the world gymnastic history of the first ever gymnast achieving such feat in a game.
1982 The 9th Asia Games, New Delhi -Two gold medals of individual all-around, rings-Two silver medals of team, 2nd parallel bars
1983 The 22nd World Gymnastics Championships -Gold, team-Silver, vaulting horse-Two bronze, floor exercise and rings
1984 The 23rd Los Angeles Olympic Games -Three gold, rings, floor exercise and pommel horse-Two silver, vaulting horse and team-Bronze, individual all-around
1985 The 23rd World Gymnastics Championships - Gold, rings- Three silver, pommel horse, floor exercise and team
1986 The 10th Asian Games Three Gold, floor exercise, rings and individual all-around
1986 The 7th World Gymnastics Championships Two gold, pommel horse, floor exercise and individual all-around
the reputed 'Prince of Gymnastics' among the public
1987,appointed Member of the IOC Athletes Commission, by the International Olympic Games Committee, as the only member from Asia
1999, Best Athletes of the Century, by the Chinese Olympic Committee, Henry Fok Foundation and China Sports Press Association
1999, Best Athletes of the Century, by the International Sports Press Association
2000, Honor Gymnast 2000, awarded by the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame, and therefore was the first world famous Chinese gymnast
At Present:
After 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, Li Ning retired from sports field, and entered into the business circle. However, his passion to sports has never been less. By means of providing sports wear named after his to be the official wear for Chinese sports delegations to many major world tournaments, sponsoring various sports events under the name of his main products: 'Jian Li Bao', a kind of sports-drink and 'Li-Ning' sports wear, Li Ning found himself a different way to be with his beloved sports.
Descriptions such as 'genius', 'whiz kid' 'gymnastics giant', 'prince of gymnastics', and a lot more are to admire Li Ning. But in today's world gymnastics age, very few figures could be as talented as Li Ning who could win so many different titles.
Doubtlessly, the gymnastics world awakened when Li Ning, for the sixth time stood at the winner stand. This 1982 Gymnastics World Cup champion of six competitions was the world first male gymnast ever achieving such excellent feat. And during his over decade long gymnast career, Li Ning has won more than 100 medals.