sharing the Olympic spirit

Beijing Olympic project constructors start '100-day battle'
Updated: 2007-05-09 15:50


From May 8 on, the constructors of the projects for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games are engaging in a "100-day battle" to ensure the success of the "Good Luck Beijing" sport events.

The major tasks for 2007 consist in meeting the requirements of the "Good Luck Beijing" events and ensuring the completion of all Olympic projects except for the National Stadium, said Vice Mayor and head of the Olympic projects Chen Gang at a meeting on Monday.

Financing, functional requirements and some other issues that affect the construction schedule have been solved for a number of the Olympic projects as a result of the new measures, and the authorities are giving more care and incentives to the workers for the benefit of construction efficiency and quality, it was revealed at the meeting. The migrant workers are given the opportunity to go to night schools, see doctors at the medical stations on the construction sites and be professionally trained.

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