Botched cosmetic surgery stories prompt warning

2010-04-30 07:54:34

Following a spate of recent plastic surgery horror stories, surgeons are warning potential patients to use officially accredited hospitals instead of private beauty parlors.

Luxury car sales roll at auto show

2010-04-30 07:54:34

About 40 luxury cars worth more than 150 million yuan have been sold at the Beijing auto show, which ends on Monday.

Closed-off villages bad idea

2010-04-29 08:02:25

Beijing is toying with the idea of closing off those villages where most residents are migrant laborers. The gated and walled-in communities will be open from 6am until 11pm. People will be able leave during other times only in extraordinary circumstances.

High cancer rate ratchets up demand for social support

2010-04-29 07:56:59

A rising number of cancer cases has highlighted the shortcomings of the capital's support network to cater to patients' physical and mental needs.

Gender words removed from hospital names

2010-04-29 07:56:59

Hospitals and medical institutions in Beijing will not be allowed to include words such as man, male, woman, female, or use similar obvious gender-specific vocabulary in their names from June 1, under government regulations overseeing the medical services market.

City folk gear up for Expo 2010

2010-04-28 08:02:29

Many Beijingers are gearing up to attend the year's most significant event, Expo 2010 in Shanghai, with heavy bookings for air and bus tickets between two cities.

Tying the knot in virtual world

2010-04-28 07:51:37

Millions of people in China are believed to have web relationships that may threaten real-life partnerships

Old homes to be renovated to withstand earthquakes

2010-04-28 07:51:37

Beijing's housing authorities will renovate and reinforce many of the capital's one-story dwellings, most of which were not designed to withstand strong earthquakes, said local authorities.

Family seeks statistics on toxin emitting hospital incinerator

2010-04-28 07:51:37

A resident in Chaoyang district is taking the city's environmental protection bureau to court for not offering information regarding toxic emissions released by a nearby hospital waste incineration plant.

International students opt to stay after study

2010-04-27 08:08:20

As the only foreigner in the tourism management class at Beijing International Studies University, Ana Ropot from Moldavia plans to stay in Beijing after graduation.

Law professor won't stop at one

2010-04-27 08:02:03

Yang Zhizhu, 43, refuses to pay fine for having second child

Increasing petition cases spawn research center

2010-04-27 08:02:03

Amid rapid economic growth and urbanization, petition cases in Beijing will only increase, an official with the first government-run petitions research center said.