Style master is forever fashionable

2010-03-04 13:25:47

Despite only being a middle school graduate, Li Dongtian is one of China's top stylists. He works with the most famous and beautiful faces in Beijing. Meng Jing reports

Engineer student shoots high with developing career in photography

2010-03-03 14:17:29

Zhao Lu, 28, started work as a wedding photographer in 2002 at the Beijing branch of the V2 Vision photographic organization, a reputable company with branches in several cities in China, as well as Malaysia and New Zealand.

Khemit's 'fight or flight' adventures

2010-03-03 14:03:12

Khemit Bailey is a 28-year-old American who has lived in Beijing for more than a year. He tells METRO what it's like to teach parkour (which some call extreme walking), an urban sport that involves clambering and jumping on, off and over obstacles in the fastest and most efficient method possible.

Master sheds light onto his love of photography

2010-03-02 14:30:22

Photographer Xian Qianyun, 63, gained national fame for taking portraits for China Photo Studio on Wangfujing for the past 48 years. National leaders and celebrities such as Hou Baolin and Yu Dan have all been captured by his camera. He explains to METRO reporter Shen Jingting his passion for shooting and the path he took to get where he is right now.

Keep trim with a cut above the rest

2010-03-02 14:23:23

Well-coiffed clients follow barber, 73

Painter dabbles in noble works

2010-03-01 13:48:24

Sitting in an antique Chinese chair of sandalwood, Ziwei brewed a pot of Chinese green tea. She moved gently, her tone of voice giving her away as someone of nobility.

Naked ambition

2010-03-01 13:31:04

World-renowned performance artist uses his unique camouflaging style to provoke public thought on life and the world. Wang Ru reports

Masseur in the dark

2010-02-27 14:55:55

Charity serves cycle of hope

2010-02-24 14:24:33

A passion for compassion

2010-02-24 14:20:57

Constant battle with wrecking ball

2010-02-22 11:23:52

Zhang Jinqi lives in an old hutong neighborhood simply because he wants to. He says he has to take part in the vanishing traditional lifestyle and experience its rapidly fading heritage before its too late.

The rise of an amateur

2010-02-11 07:57:04

US actor Jon Zatkin tells about his journey into Chinese movies and the importance of 'fitting a niche'

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