Talkback: Readers share their views

Updated: 2011-07-20 18:35


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Here is a selection of the many comments received by China Daily METRO every day on e-mail,  through and through our Sina Weibo.

On Gymnast down on his luck ends up on the street
We should respect heroes and our society should respect them too. Not only the Olympic champions are real champions!
It is a pity to see him end up begging because of his financial woes. Why wasn't he given a chance to do other jobs when he got hurt? A gymnast coach, perhaps? Hope someone will employ him soon.
As a Chinese, we know too well the corrupted lives athletes live. They're to some extent parasites that live in luxury under the umbrella of the National Sports Association. If they get injured, that means the end of their good life. The man, I can hardly recall his fame, had served in prison before, which proves his moral flaws. Street performing is a shame on him and on his family. A glorious star shouldn't end up like this. He's just a star who once shined in the sport arena.
I know many athletes in the gymnastic world … they get small allowances! In Malaysia, retired gymnasts can take up coaching courses for free and make a living teaching gymnastics. It's WRONG to say they are PARASITES, only IGNORANT people say that. The sacrifices, their childhood, tough training, is all something that many normal people can't do. Someone should help him.
On Memorial day to raise awareness of body donation
Would you donate your body to medical science? Doctors, taking anatomy classes, need bodies; it makes them better doctors. "We want to raise awareness of body donation to encourage more people to volunteer and alleviate the scarcity of body parts for medical research.
On Ministry apologizes for delays on railway
“The operators of the high-speed railway, construction companies and train manufacturers are being encouraged to take measures to guarantee the line will run in a safe and orderly fashion, he said.” Encouraged? FORCE THEM.
On 80% airline blankets are not washed
I'm glad and sad that more and more stories like this are coming to light. Pity they didn't mention the airline and let their share price be affected by negative publicity. That would be sure to guarantee that they actually care enough to do something about this issue.
On Rumor-mongering concerns rise after recent fake flooding photos
There are positive and negative sides. They should not spreading rumors and be more responsible in the virtual world, just like they do in reality. On the other hand, people should be wise to rumors.
Comments represent readers’ views only. Online posts, e-mails and letters are edited for accuracy, clarity and length. To get in touch, e-mail METRO on Follow us on Sina Weibo: @chinadailymetro.