The Lingo: Riding the elevator

Updated: 2011-07-18 17:12


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Dialogue to get you through those daily frustrations, like asking someone to help with the elevator:
 <STRONG>The Lingo:</STRONG> Riding the elevator

By Zhang Chengliang at China Daily 



Nín hǎo. Qǐngwèn yíxia, diàntī zài nǎr?


Hello. Excuse me, where is the elevator?

Nín wǎng qián zǒu dào tóu, ránhòu wǎng yòu guǎi jiù yǒu diàntī le.


Go straight to the end, then turn right and you’ll see the elevator.

Xièxie nín.



… inside the crowded elevator …

Máfan nǐ bāng wǒ àn yíxia bā lóu ? Xièxie.


Could you please help me to push the button for the 8th floor? Thanks.

… getting out of the crowded elevator …

Jièguò, wǒ yào xiàqù.


Please, I want to get off.

Dialogue provided by TailorMade Chinese Center at Shangdu SO­HO. Contact them on 5900-5420 or visit Send a scenario to metrobeijing