Around Beijing

Updated: 2011-05-31 07:42

(China Daily)

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Injured worker sues food factory boss

A former worker at a food-processing plant is suing the company for injuries she suffered in an industrial accident, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

Liu, 18, was rushed to hospital with severe burns to her face in December 2010 after a cooker hood fell into a pot of boiling oil. The owner of the factory, Wang, had her transferred to a clinic close to her hometown in Shaanxi province 20 days later.

The businessman reportedly gave Liu several hundred yuan and left the clinic. However, she is now suing him for 310,000 yuan in compensation at Mentougou district court.


Firefighters catch meddling monkey

Firefighters have finally caught a monkey that has been annoying residents in Fengtai district for several days, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

Residents complained that a wild monkey had attacked them, but no one could catch him as he moved very quickly.

The monkey was said to have caused a lot of trouble to residents, hotels and restaurants. He was caught on Sunday at a shooting range by the group efforts of the firefighters.

The firefighters are contacting animal protection groups to find a home for the monkey. Otherwise they might return him to the wild.


Mother's punch causes kid's death

Daxing police have detained a mother for killing her daughter because she urinated on a bed, Beijing Times reported.

When asked by the police, the mother, surnamed Lin, said her 4-year-old daughter died after a fall. But she later admitted the tragedy took place on the morning of May 20 after Lin found her daughter had urinated on the bed. Lin punched the girl, which caused her head to knock heavily against the window. The mother did not pay much attention to her daughter and left home to play mahjong. While she was away, her daughter collapsed and died. Lin is now in criminal detention.


55tuan files to offer US shares, a Beijing-based Chinese group-buying website, said it had officially begun the process of filing for an initial public offering in the United States.

The company has acquired up to $200 million in strategic investments from a number of companies, including CDH Investment LLC, Zero2IPO Ventures and Tianyou Investment, said Xu Maodong, president and chief executive officer of

This amounts to the largest financing raised so far by a Chinese group-buying company, and is the first local group-purchasing website to begin the IPO process.


New body set up to resolve disputes

A mediating mechanism was established on Monday to resolve conflicts between patients and hospitals.

The organization, the Beijing Medical Dispute Mediating Committee, was jointly established by six municipal authorities, including Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health, and Beijing Higher People's Court.

The committee is responsible for mediation between patients and hospital representatives when the compensation claimed is less than 10,000 yuan. When the claim is for more than 10,000 yuan, litigation will be introduced.

China Daily

Around Beijing

(China Daily 05/31/2011)