
Selflessness beyond borders

By Wang Wen (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-05-05 08:14
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Selflessness beyond borders

Two foreign employees are among the 18 people who won the model worker title of the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation on Jan 31. Xinhua

For the first time, foreigners are named model workers, one of China's top honors

For decades, model workers in China have been cast as political symbols emulating selflessness among the working class.

As the capital changes with the times, with its push to make a global imprint, so too has the model worker title, which is accorded every five years.

Two expatriates and 124 migrant workers were among the 1,241 model workers awarded the honor during the Commendation Meeting for Model Workers in Beijing on April 20.

For their part, the expatriates were elected from among the 110,000 or so foreigners working in Beijing. The two, who hail from Japan and France, are experts in the medical and health industries.

They are Dr Luc Picard, 73, a doctor who works at the Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University, and Aki Kishi, 56, a senior consultant at the Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical Co Ltd.

"They are both model workers, foreign experts who have contributed much to our city. Also, they have worked for a relatively long period in Beijing," said Wang Yonghao, director of the marketing department of the Beijing Municipal Federation of Trade Unions (BMFTU).

The announcement that the honor was open to non-local workers was released by the local government on April 1 and the selection committee, established by the government, received five recommendations for expatriate workers.

"All of the five candidates were selected through all the same steps as local candidates, such as their qualifications and the fairness they have shown to the whole society," Wang said.

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The government required that model workers be chosen in a fixed percentage from various industries. For example, 753 workers, who work on production lines, are 60.8 percent of the total number of model workers in Beijing; 330 scientific and technical personnel occupy 26.6 percent; and the 78 managers chosen represent 6.3 percent of the workforce.

However, the 126 non-local model workers accounted for about 10 percent of the total number. The percentage is the highest of such accolades given across the country.

"It means our city aims to be an international city, and as an international city, the most important point is to collect talented workers from all over the world," said Huo Lianming, vice-president of the BMFTU.

Huo said the city enlarged the selection range this year and noted the model worker designation was a rare honor for an expatriate.

Elyse Ribbons, a 29-year-old actress and playwright from Detroit who has been in Beijing for seven years, said she knows several hard-working foreign friends in private businesses who would cherish such an honor.

She said she had a good Chinese friend whose aunt was one of the acclaimed model workers in Beijing, so she understands what the honor means.

"I would be happy if people like us get honored with the award or even nominated," Ribbons said. "It would definitely be fun to be elected some day."

Model worker is a lifelong honor and not unlike honorary titles such as the UK honors system.

The Beijing model workers receive subsidies during their working career along with other special treatment. Several nursing homes are devoted to caring for model workers.

According to a paper from You Zhenglin, a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, the model worker was originally only an honorary title, but the material rewards were added during the 1980s. Model workers have priority in applications for hukou, welfare-oriented public housing and subsidies.

The Beijing government gave each model worker at least 10,000 yuan this year, the same amount since 2005.

Some employers also sweeten the deal, offering housing and other subsidies.

"The government does not have regulations about the awards from employees and they will give the model workers different awards according to their contributions," said Huo of the BMFTU.

However, Huo added that the title, and the respect society gives toward the recipients, is an honor that goes well beyond any material benefit.


Selflessness beyond borders