
Slipping into a fun time at Houhai

By Joseph Christan (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-02-25 13:38
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Many are drawn to the Houhai area because it offers a more comfortable environment than its seedy Sanlitun cousin. Occupying ancient hutong the bars and shops offer a unique ambiance and artsy feel that have made it popular.

Nearly all agree that sitting on couches by Houhai Lake while talking with your friends or slowly strolling through the hutong shops is very nice ... in the summer!

With the freezing temperatures that have pushed their way into Beijing this year, such activities could make you loose a toe or finger to frostbite if you are not careful.

But don't let the Siberian cold fronts stop you because they create a whole different Houhai experience that can only be enjoyed when things get a little bit nippy.

Houhai Lake is now well frozen, so it's high time you put down your hot coco or coffee, throw an extra layer on and head downtown.

Don't just go after work for a nice dinner and a beer at a pub because you will miss the whole winter experience.

The best time to get a feel of Houhai's winter fun is in the late morning or early afternoon on the weekend.

The frozen lake bursts into life with ice skaters, hockey lessons, ice sleds and even a local polar bear club.

In an admirable effort to bring sanity to the crowds, the icy lake is divided into various sections according to the chosen activity. The chatter, laughter and motion add a certain excitement.

It's such a mix of interesting people.

Lovers embrace as they peck each other's frozen lips at the edge of the lake while families with little children slip and slide with laughter in the middle.

To round things out, near a small island in the middle of the lake vendors have set up small booths where you can play games like throwing darts at balloons or even buy snacks and drinks.

But easily the strangest thing on the ice has to be an oversized goat wearing little leather booties.

For a small fee, you can rent the goat to pull you around the ice on a sled. Quite bizarre and pointless given the immeasurably more fun ice sleds, but it's there nonetheless.

It costs 10 yuan to get onto the frozen lake and 20 to rent an ice sled (other things are more expensive), but the fun you can have with your family, friends or lover is well worth it.

The best plan in my opinion is to head there earlier in the morning spend an hour or two playing on the ice and then enjoy a nice lunch in one of the many restaurants or bars that line the lake.

After lunch, if it is not too cold, you can enjoy a nice walk through the hutong shops or even enjoy a hot drink at a local cafe.

Just watch out for those annoying bike taxi/tour guides that assault you with requests of patronage every two seconds.

It's much nicer to go exploring yourself.

It's well worth your time, so what are you waiting for, get out there and enjoy some winter fun at Houhai Lake.

Once the spring comes around, you will have to wait through the hot muggy Beijing summer before you can enjoy its wintry delights again.