Metro> Education
School for scandals
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-11-11 11:45

Some of the scandals hitting colleges this year:

Related readings:
School for scandals Unwritten rules rampant on campus

Oct 20

Fu Chengli, a 23-year-old former student at China University of Political Science and Law, is sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve at Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court for stabbing to death Cheng Chunming, 43, a professor at the college. Fu suspected his girlfriend, a postgraduate student surnamed Chen who was applying for the university's PhD program, had broken up with him because of an affair with Cheng.

Oct 18

An economics student at Peking University posts a blog claiming two classmates who received worse academic scores than him received postgraduate recommendations, while he was rejected. He says the students' fathers were high-ranking officials in the hometown of the college's deputy Party secretary. Peking University responded by saying the postgraduate recommendations conformed with its regulations.

Aug 14

Doctoral advisor and professor Liang Maocun, 70, at the Central Conservatory of Music, admits to having sex with a female student and accepting a bribe of 100,000 yuan ($14,000) in return for assurances she would be put on the college's PhD program. A spokesperson from the school said they had severely punished the professor but refused to give further details.

June 28

Xie Xinzhou, associate journalism dean at Peking University, is alleged to be linked with a former student's suicide. The graduate leapt to his death after allegedly being verbally abused for refusing to help with the professor's research project. The case was under investigation, Nanfang Daily reported in July.