Metro> Metro Special
It's all happening in Beijing
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-09-16 09:12

It's all happening in Beijing

Most people who arrive in the capital of the world's most populous nation are lifted by the energy pumping through this amazing city.

Whether you're a long-time resident in the capital, enjoying a holiday, taking care of business or studying Chinese, it's always easy to feel that Beijing buzz.

One can feel a sense that there is always something going on if it's happening in Beijing, it's happening in China Daily's Metro section.

Our new daily 4-page lift out is designed to serve the needs of busy expats and visitors by serving up the information that really matters.

We'll dish up the local news, entertainment, useful expat-related advice, local travel tips and profiles of Beijing's international citizens as they work, rest and play.

Related readings:
It's all happening in Beijing Beijing 798 Biennial
It's all happening in Beijing Beijing: Food for sport
It's all happening in Beijing Seven days in BeijingIt's all happening in Beijing Beijing: Restaurants
It's all happening in Beijing 
Beijing:Walk the sites less traveled

And everybody is different. There isn't just one type of expatriate, a word deriving from the Latin ex (out of) patria (country, fatherland).

There are more than 150 different nationalities living in Beijing and numbers have risen past 100,000 people of all different ages and cultural backgrounds.

Beijing is a true global village and our international and local editorial team will guide Metro readers around this city. We will help them know as much as locals do.

Proud Beijingers will tell new arrivals they are in the center of the Middle Kingdom.

And like their families centuries before, they will say Beijing is the center of everything.

If you are a music and art lover, locals will say, you are now living in a land where speech is melody and writing is art.

And if you're a food fanatic, they will boast about how you are now residing in a city where chicken is cooked 76 different ways and the only thing with four legs that isn't eaten is the restaurant table.

So as you hold on for this amazing ride, let Metro guide the way.

I wish you the time of your life in Beijing.