YNFP preparing for musical film in Lincang

by Yunnan New Film Project
Updated: 2006-10-27 14:50

Yunnan New Film Project is going to make a musical film in Lincang, Yunnan next year.The director Yu Jiangyin, who is currently considered among the most talented of China's young composers, will go to Lincang to look for the local musical and dancing elements this November.

Mysterious Lincang

Lancang River is the important transferring channel of ancient civilization. Lincang city, surrounded by Lancang River, is called 'the last mysterious place ', where preserves the rare culture treasures. Lincang, located in the Ava Mountain, is the birth place of Va ethnic. And it's also the compact communities of them. Va ethnic call themselves "Ava People" with the meaning of people living in the mountain. The culture of Va ethnic highlights in Muguwu which is a kind of dancing with wooden drum and the rural village which full of Cangyuan culture.

Wengding Village of Va ethnic.[Photo by YNFP]

Yunnan New Film Project will find the most attractive point to make a splendid musical film which including the interesting story and unique music in Lincang.

Charming Va Music

Hey, don't feel sad at the leaving time/ let us singing together / let us dancing together / we're equal, just enjoy/ if you love a girl, protect her well/ if someone wanta to hurt her, you can shoot him by your arrow.


Chief Producer and Directors