Kunming National Biological Industrial Base
Updated: 2014-05-17 14:27
Development goals

1.One outstanding biological industrial base
The Kunming National Biological Industrial Base has 632 biotech enterprise in its core area. The Kunming New City Hi-tech Industrial Base has set aside 66.7 hectares of land for the biological industry in the core area, with some key projects under construction or will soon to be finished. By 2015, the industrial base's core area will have overall strength, scientific and technological innovation, and output value and will be an influential industrial park with its own characteristics.
2. Four industrial parks
Yunnan Medicine Industrial Park, which has advantages in local drugs that are natural botanical products, will make an effort to develop them in biological medicine projects.
The Health Care Industrial Park will build be based on genetic, biochip and stem cell technology, the development of healthcare products, foods, and chemical products for daily use, as well as third-party detection services.
The Scientific and Technological Innovation Park will have strong innovative skills in technology, with the help of universities and research institutes, development centers of enterprises, and the development zone's incubators.
The Medical Apparatus and Instruments Industrial Park will provide R&D on medical apparatuses and instruments in Yunnan with major enterprises and projects.
3.Five platforms
The science and technology service platform will help science and technology innovation, resource sharing and talent cultivation.
The e-commerce platform will integrate at least 20 e-commerce companies in the high-tech zone for mutual benefit.
The information service platform will collect, assess, and store information from various channels for sharing.
The financial service platform will support enterprises going public, financing, and cultivation of venture capital by relying on banks, insurance, and other financial services.
The technological achievement trading platform will help industrialize technological developments through patents and intellectual property rights.

Focusing on competitive industries
Investment is crucial for the biological industrial base's core area and it considers large enterprises and projects in China and abroad important for its biological research and development, bio-manufacturing, and services and operations.
The BGI and Yunyao Group are in the Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone and Germany's Bayer Group have acquired the Kunming Dihon Pharmaceutical Group and has projects in the biological industrial park. These enterprises and projects will greatly increase the popularity of the zone and play an important role in the global development of other enterprises and help make Yunnan drugs a global brand.