Application materials to be submitted to handle Employment Permit for Foreign Nationals

Updated: 2011-08-22 16:48

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1. Application report from the employment unit to hire the foreign national.

2. Company industry and commerce business license or other valid documentation proving employment unit qualifications, and duplicated copy.

3. Certificate of approval by relevant departments, and the duplicated copy.

4. Valid passport of the employed foreign national, or other certificate capable of replacing the passport, and the duplicated copy.

5. Original labor contract signed with the employed foreign national (in Chinese and English languages).

6. Materials proving the personal details of the foreign national to be employed.

7. Technical skill certificate and materials testifying related work experiences of the foreign national to be employed to the designated post.

8. Fill in foreign national job application and enrollment forms.

9. Two photos

10. Health certificate of foreign nationals submitted by national inspection and quarantine authority.