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Tajikistan, Russia seek opportunities in Urumqi tourist distributing center

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-12-08

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Tajikistan, Russia seek opportunities in Urumqi tourist distributing center

The assistant mayor of Volgograd, Russia attends the symposium in the Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone. [Photo/uetd.gov.cn]

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The 24,360-square-meter tourist distributing center is located in the west of the district's high speed rail's north plaza, with an investment of 1 billion yuan ($162.8 million).

The center is a multi-functional building equipped with a commercial street, tourism logistics service center, and business center.

It was given the title "Chinese tourism service innovation base" by the National Tourism Administration on July 20, 2015.

According to the local government, the center is a breakthrough point for the Xinjiang to develop extensive exchange and communication with countries and regions along the Silk Road.

Edited by Peter Nordlinger

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