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Karamay skater wins first medal at Winter Games

By Yang Fan Updated: 2016-01-26

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Xi Dongxue, a skater from Karamay city, won a bronze medal at the 3,000-meter young female speed skating race at the 13th National Winter Games in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Jan 23.

After competing with 19 skaters from different cities around China, Xi won the first medal for Karamay at the event with her outstanding performance.

The games make up China's largest winter sports event, which will run from Jan 20 to 30. It will see 54 provincial and municipal teams compete for 97 gold medals in 11 multi-disciplinary sports – including alpine skiing, speed skating and hockey.

Karamay skater wins first medal at Winter Games

Xi Dongxue, races to the finishing line during a speed skating race at the 13th National Winter Games in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Jan 23. [Photo/kelamayi.com.cn]

Edited by Owen Fishwick