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Robin Li

2017-06-30 15:52Co-Founder Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Piero Scaruffi

2017-06-30 18:51Founder of Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (SVAIRI), the author of A History of Silicon Valley, Intelligence Is Not Artificial and Human 2.0 - the Future of Technology

Jack Ma

2017-06-30 18:51Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group

Dr. Marlene Kanga

2017-06-30 15:52President-elect for the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO)

Pan Yunhe

2017-06-30 18:51Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

2017-06-30 18:51Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Oxford Internet Institute, Best selling author of Big Data:A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

Professor Bo Zhang

2017-06-30 18:51professor of Computer Science and Technology Department of Tsinghua University the fellow of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Liu Qingfeng

2017-06-30 18:51The Founder, Board Chairman of iFLYTEK

Wang Wenjing

2017-06-30 18:51Chairman and CEO of Yonyou Software Co.,Ltd.

Sun Pishu

2017-06-30 18:51Chairman and CEO of Inspur Group

Dr. Indrajit Banerjee

2017-06-30 15:52Director of the Knowledge Societies Division of UNESCO in the Communication and Information Sector

Wu Guanghui

2017-06-30 18:51Vice president of COMAC&C919 Chief Designer

Nick Bostrom

2017-06-30 18:51Professor at Oxford University Founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University

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