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A 30-meter feast

2012-12-21 16:54Tianjin artist Li Jin's recent solo show, titled Banquet Today, is a 30-meter-long scroll that include sseveral color ink-and-water paintings.

The return of a courtesan on stage

2012-12-18 17:14Directed by Tian Qinxin and starring Liu Xiaoqing, the drama Fenghua Juedai (Unparalleled Beauty) by Tianjin People's Art Theater will return to Beijing for a third round from Jan 25-27 at the Tianqiao Theater.

Yangliuqing, a charming town with folk culture

2012-11-27 17:13Yangliuqing, an ancient town in the west of northern China's Tianjin Municipality, is famous for its folk art.

Food tells who you are

2012-11-14 17:35Though it's been a quite a while since I have been in the dating scene, for some reason the good people at JIN magazine have asked me to write an article about where to take a person for a first date.

Municipality's new architecture attracts millions of visitors

2012-11-06 08:15The Tianjin Cultural Center, completed half a year ago with many buildings designed by international artists, has attracted 2.2 million visitors by the end of October.

Cosplay competition kicks off in Tianjin

2012-10-29 10:17A cosplay enthusiast dressed as a Transformer poses at a cosplay competition at the National Animation Industry Park in north China's Tianjin Municipality.

In the name of art

2012-10-08 14:59When I first came to China and saw a woman smoking I was shocked as it was not a common sight.

Somerset Moon Festival Celebration

2012-10-08 14:45As a signature service of Somerset Tianjin, the Moon Festival celebration for 2012 was held at DK 1308, near the Haihe River.

Leveraging the cultural differences

2012-09-12 08:00Although different cultural, religious and historical backgrounds make Asian and Western entrepreneurship different, they have the common goal of providing opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking value.

Avatar's Cameron joins local partners in new movie venture

2012-08-09 08:03Avatar director James Cameron, has launched a new venture in China, along with local partners.

A Full Transformation of Magnificent Architecture

2012-06-19 15:40Tianjin Culture Center is by far the largest public cultural venue project in Tianjin. It has been built with the ideas of culture, people, and ecology as the overriding inspiration.

Royalty Remembered in Old Tientsin

2012-05-02 16:07Last year Wellington College opened its doors in Tianjin. The partner school in the Britain was founded in 1859.

Opening the doors to great content

2012-03-09 10:37Chinese cities often have place names in common. In many cities, you can find a "Drum Tower", "People's Park" or "Sun Yat-sen Road".

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