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Tianjin throws gourd festival
| Updated: 2018-06-21 14:57:59 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

The second Chinese Tianjin Gourd Cultural Tourism Festival was held in Hululu Town, Baodi district of Tianjin on June 16.

Co-hosted by the Municipal Tourism Administration, the Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tourism Committee of Baodi District, the festival included the 5th National Gourd Contest, a photography competition, the first Gourd Creative Design Exhibition, and a gourd culture seminar and charity activities.

At the opening ceremony of the festival, Hululu Town was branded as a cultural experience base for foreign students and a social service practice base, and then China's first online trading platform for gourd handicrafts was put into service.

In the past few days, hundreds of gourd growers and handicrafters from different cities gathered in Hululu Town, including an R&D team from the Tianjin Agricultural University. They showed the audiences how their gourd-growing robots work as well as gourd molds made by 3D technology.

In recent years, Hululu Town has worked with several local universities to build a research institute, focusing on the integrated development of gourd planting with intelligent agriculture and tourism. More than ten research projects are in progress.


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