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Tianjin Voices
Strengthen the cultural development
| Updated: 2018-03-13 10:22:12 | (exploringtianjin.com) |

Strengthen the cultural development

NPC deputy, vice president of the Tianjin Federation of Literary Circles and president of Tianjin Musicians Association Guan Mucun [Photo/enorth.com.cn]

Guan Mucun is a NPC deputy, the vice president of the Tianjin Federation of Literary Circles and the president of the Tianjin Musicians Association. She submitted proposals about strengthening the cultural coordinated development in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to meet people's spiritual needs.

Guan pointed out that Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei lacks influence and radiating power in regional cultural development. She suggested that the culture administration in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei should establish a mechanism of public culture and promote cultural communication and cooperation. Also, it should encourage and promote artistic troupes to create works with local characteristics and discover new methods to protect intangible cultural heritages.



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