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The twin performers play Tianjin
| Updated: 2017-09-27 09:50:56 | (JIN magazine) |

The twin performers play Tianjin
Percussion music Jin Jin You Wei

There are performers who can act out opera, play national instruments or western instruments and the savvy person could always describe them as similar to the modern twin brothers who are currently playing their percussion music on stage in Tianjin. These two are also percussion teachers and based at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music. They are twin brothers Gao Chao and Gao Yue.

Born in Tianjin, the two brothers were influenced by their father, and then went on the road to study music. With a firm foundation of seven years of Beijing Opera percussion, both of them were admitted to Central Conservatory of Music with excellent results. After that, they went to Canada to learn western percussion. As the rising stars of the percussion stage, Gao Chao and Gao Yue also performed in the closing ceremony of the 21st Vancouver Winter Olympic Games and were part of the recording of the Canadian film for the Beijing Olympic games.

But as we all know, behind all their success, there must be countless hours of sweat and pain. Due to the long term friction of their drumsticks, the brothers' hands have had to toughen up. In spite of the pain, the brothers have always joked:"The audience sometimes looked at us as if we were excited on stage, but that's because our hands were so painful. We looked like we were excited but actually it was a grimace of pain."

The twin performers play Tianjin
Deformed fingers

The two brothers have a tacit understanding and help each other in the music world. Their magical telepathy is envied by other performers, but what is more fascinating is that they still work hard to continually improve their talents. When they talk about the future, they say: "We hope we can prepare a concert in the near future and set up our own percussion band. We are longing to present our audiences at the theatre with more and better music."

Behind the bright lights, there is sweat and pain. Their impressive efforts behind the scenes are hidden by the stage spotlight shining bright...

The twin performers play Tianjin
In rehearsal

The twin performers play Tianjin
Dripping with sweat

The twin performers play Tianjin
Gao Yue with his students

The twin performers play Tianjin
The audience present bouquet.

The twin performers play Tianjin

Playing basketball with students

The twin performers play Tianjin
Tutor students


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