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Tianjin About
| Updated: 2017-07-03 14:35:55 | |

World Intelligence Congress (WIC2017), hosted by Tianjin Municipal People's Government, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Cyberspace Administration of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, will be held from 29 June to 30 June in Tianjin.

WIC2017, the highest standard and first international AI convention in China, serves as a cooperation and exchange platform for global experts and officials, industry giants and entrepreneurs. WIC2017 will focus on changes and opportunities brought by AI technology and its application to make a sustainable world, publish top-notch smart technology achievements, gather industry development factors and facilitate investment and financing matchmaking.

Representatives of renowned research institutions, enterprises and academies from China and the rest of the world will attend WIC to exchange ideas on development trend, share cooperation fruits, and make blueprints for future applications.


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