A tourist takes pictures of the financial district Yujiapu of the Binhai New Area CBD, in Tianjin, June27, 2016. [Dai Tian/chinadaily.com.cn]
Sailing along the Haihe River, you would be amazed at the achievements Binhai New Areamade. From merely a construction site just two years ago, it is has now transformed intocentral business district (CBD), said Zheng Weiming, director of the CBD.
Despite its humble start, Binhai New Area CBD, a key part of the Tianjin Free Trade Zone,aims to become a national hub for financial services, modern business and high-end services.
The region is expected to double its economy in 2016, after growing at the same level lastyear, according to the district government.
"The Binhai CBD has grown into a full-fledged business center. Not only can you register yourcompany here to enjoy benefits of the Free Trade Zone, we would also like you to set upoffices and stay," said Zheng.
First of its kind in North China, the Tianjin Free Trade Zone was established in April last yearas a test bed for national replicable reforms.
Here are what you could count on in the Binhai New Area CBD in terms of staying and doingbusiness.

A staff displays pictures of shared laboratories within the Tencent Innovation Space in the Binhai NewArea central business district, Tianjin, June 27, 2016. [Dai Tian/chinadaily.com.cn]
1. Start a business
More than 2,600 startups have registered in the Binhai CBD since its inauguration last year, 62 of which are incubated in the seven maker spaces that opened in the region.
Finance has become the CBD's number one industry, followed by cross-border e-commerce,technology, cultural innovation and education.
Overall, the Tianjin FTZ saw over 2,700 newly registered market players in the first quarter,with the registered capital totaling 139.5 billion yuan.

Dotted with bonded goods shops and global pavilion experience centers, the Yujiapu commercial streethas become one of the iconic spots inside the Binhai CBD. [Dai Tian/chinadaily.com.cn]
2. Set up regional headquarters
Xiangluowan business district and financial district Yujiapu is poised as clusters for corporateheadquarters, according to a blueprint of the Binhai New Area CBD.
A number of new projects have already settled in, including the first private bank in NorthChina — Jincheng Bank, CITIC Financial Leasing and the country's largest money fundTianhong Fund.
The Binhai New Area CBD focuses on the development of financial services, modernbusiness and high-end services.

Alibaba's Tmall opens its first country-based pavilion experience center in Yujiapu commercial street inthe Binhai CBD, Tianjin, June 27, 2016. [Dai Tian/chinadaily.com.cn]
3. Go shopping in bonded area
Dotted with bonded goods shops and global pavilion experience centers, the Yujiapucommercial street has become one of the iconic spots inside the Binhai CBD.
The 30,000-square-meter shopping cluster has average sales of 460,000 yuan per day,according to its spokeswoman.

A researcher displays the motion capture technology enabled by the infrared reflectance and cameras.Such technology is applied to cartoon production. [Dai Tian/chinadaily.com.cn]
4. Make movie
The National Animation Industry Park, situated in Binhai New Area, aims to serve culturalstartups that wish to channel advanced animation technology.
Connected to the country's super computer Tianhe 1 via fiber, the public platform cansubstantially shorten the filmmaking process, said the director Meng Fanli.

Juilliard Jazz Quintetheld at Lincoln Center in New York, May 11, 2015. [Photo/IC]
5. Learn art
Starting from 2018, fans can receive world-class artistic education and even a degree fromthe Juilliard School in Tianjin, thanks to the partnership between the two.
The New York-based school with a history of 111 years will set up its first overseas branch inthe Binhai New Area, offering diploma education as well as for-interest training.