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New energy cars hot in Tianjin
| Updated: 2016-01-22 18:31:39 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

New energy vehicles in Tianjin are no longer restricted to the odd-even formula beginning January 1st, as the coastal city is cutting carbon emissions and promoting green energy.

“The spring of alternative fuel vehicles is coming. Sales have gone up a lot since last November, especially in late December when the new regulation came out. ” said a salesman surnamed Wang.

In a 4s store in Nankai District, eight salespeople received around 30 groups of potential buyers in one morning.

Wang said that three types of cars in his store won’t be subject to pollution restrictions. In the first three days of 2016, more than 20 cars were sold, more than twice as many as usual.

However, national subsidy policies show that bonuses for buying a new energy vehicle will drop 20 percent in 2017 compared with a year earlier. In 2019, the bonuses will be reduced by 40 percent from the 2017 level.

In the sales season, many car buyers still worry about where to recharge.

Mr. Song in Tianjin has a new energy vehicle . He said, “My apartment is on the first floor and I have to put a wire through the window to recharge. How I wish to have a charging pile. ” For battery charging, Song has to park his car next to the window every day.


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